How to use CTA Component?

CTA component is a customzable and reusable component.

Step 1: create a markdown file in /public/content folder. For example, the file could be The file will contain some frontmatters like below

cta-heading: "Want to Share Your Thoughts?"
cta-text: "We are always looking for fresh perspectives. Submit your article and become a contributor today!"
cta-button-text: "Submit Your Article"
cta-button-link: "/contact"

Step 2: Then you have to import the component into the the file:

import CTA from "@/components/cta";

Now you can use the component anywhere you want. By default it will take a required parameter called filename.

<CTA filename="">

It will give you this: Default CTA

It takes two additional parameters bgClass and btnClass. With these parameters you can customize the background and button color of the CTA. For Example, look into the code below:

<CTA bgClass="bg-red-800" btnClass="bg-green-700 hover:bg-green-600" fileName=""/>

This will produce the following output: Customized CTA